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  • News

    Important Update About The B2 Pay Schedule

    This is an important notice for those on the B2 Pay Schedule (which is most non-nursing Michael Garron Hospital Staff). If you are unsure what schedule you fall under, please contact your union representative or human resources.

  • MGH

    16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

    Domestic violence has increased dramatically since the covid-19 pandemic began. This has affected women’s working lives in a dramatic way.

  • Doug Ford Letter

    Urgent Government Action Needed For Ontario Hospitals

    I’m writing to urge you to act more boldly in the face of the growing risks Ontario’s hospital workers are facing on the frontlines of a dangerous, global pandemic. Simply put, this is no time for complacency. Case loads are on the rise. Hospitals are filling up. Our system requires urgent attention, now.

  • Tanya

    Ford Forgot Me – Tanya Hogan

    Tanya Hogan is a Medical Device Reprocessing (MDR) Technician at West Haldimand General Hospital in Hagersville. MDR technicians play a critical role in the healthcare system by ensuring medical tools and equipment are clean, sanitized, and disinfected.

  • Save Date

    Save Your Spot for the First-Ever ND Educational Webinar Series

    We are excited to announce, that for the first time ever, you can join your fellow SEIU Healthcare nurses across the province virtually in our Nursing Division’s Educational Webinar Series throughout November and December of 2020.

  • MGH

    Housekeep and Environmental Service Week Celebration

    Thank you to all those who were able to attend our Housekeeping and Environmental Services Week celebration. Members were able to get together and enjoy cake and refreshments. We also had a Housekeeping and Environment Services Week contest. The winners of the raffle will be notified. Congratulations to all the winners!

  • Medical Device Reprocessing Week

    From October 11 to 17, we celebrate Medical Device Reprocessing Week. This year, SEIU Healthcare would like to send out a special thank you to all our Medical Device Reprocessing technicians who are working tirelessly behind the scenes to reduce the spread of diseases and viruses, including COVID-19.

  • NOWU Text Message Breach

    During Thanksgiving weekend, our members at Michael Garron Hospital received an unauthorized text message from NOWU.


    Rally Against Racism

    On Tuesday, October 6, SEIU Healthcare organized a rally outside of Michael Garron Hospital to stand in solidarity against racism. Over the past several months, there have been several hateful appalling acts of discrimination at the hospital’s construction site.

  • COVID-19

    Healthcare Unions Welcome Improved COVID-19 Protections for their Members

    Today the Chief Medical Officer of Health issued Directive #5, which provides clear guidance that N-95 or superior protection masks, face shields and other equipment are to be provided to health care staff working on the front line in long-term care facilities or hospitals dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks, among other improvements.

  • News

    Upcoming Events For the Week Of October 5

    Learn about the events happening at Michael Garron Hospital for SEIU Healthcare members on the week of October 5, 2020.

  • Stand With Us Against Racism – Join Our Rally This Tuesday

    For a second straight week, we were disgusted to learn that another racist incident has occurred at a construction site at Michael Garron Hospital. As a result, we will be hosting a rally at Michael Garron Hospital on Tuesday, October 6 to call on your employer and EllisDon to stop talking, and instead take immediate…

  • Statement on Anti-Black Racist Incident at Michael Garron Hospital

    Today, there was a disturbing and despicable anti-Black racist act found at a construction site at Michael Garron Hospital. SEIU Healthcare condemns this disgusting act of anti-Black racism and all other forms of racism and discrimination.

  • cno

    Our response to CNO’s “Cybersecurity Incident”

    If you have not already been informed, on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, The College of Nurses of Ontario experienced a “cybersecurity incident” where attackers hacked into important confidential information which may include full names, addresses, phone numbers, and even information regarding ongoing lawsuits by nurses.

  • record your story

    Record Your #HealthcareHero Video Story

    SEIU Healthcare is your union and we want to amplify your voice. By helping us put a face to the pandemic, we can keep fighting to make your needs a priority. So, thank you for letting us share your story, but more importantly, for your dedicated service as a real-life #HealthcareHero.

  • Labour Day

    Celebrate Labour Day 2020

    This year, we won’t be able to march side by side, but that doesn’t mean we can’t show our purple pride! Learn more about out how you can celebrate labour day all over Ontario. Click on the links in “more information” to get more details about each event.