
Ensuring diversity, inclusiveness, and racial justice

Over the past month, there have been multiple incidents where frontline workers at both Michael Garron Hospital and North York General Hospital faced hateful and racist actions at their workplace. These heinous events are a disgusting reminder of the work we must do to overcome the current climate of racial tension and injustice in our society.

SEIU Healthcare condemns any and all forms of racism. We will not tolerate hurtful or hateful actions, nor will we permit violence or harassment that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. We will work tirelessly to ensure those responsible are brought to justice.

Led by one of the most diverse union leadership teams and executive boards in Canada, we remain forever committed in our efforts to ensure diversity, inclusiveness, and racial justice through many initiatives and actions, including our Social Justice Capacity Building Program. This program, which was established two years ago, aims to combat issues of discrimination in
SEIU Healthcare units while fostering an environment of justice, equality, and equality.

It is critical that we stand together to ensure incidents like those at Michael Garron Hospital and North York General Hospital never happen again. Together, we can build a more equitable province, country, and world.

As we unite and call for immediate changes in our communities, we are encouraging all members to join us on Monday, August 3, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. at Queen’s Park in Toronto for the Provincial March for Black Students to demand the delivery of a provincial equity strategy for education in Ontario. To learn more, please visit: https://marchforblackstudents.com/