Hospital Workers Deserve Respect, Protection and Better Pay

Dear SEIU Hospital member:

As you may have heard, starting Saturday, December 26, 2020, the provincial government has announced stricter lockdown measures across Ontario.

As a result of the provincial government’s inability to manage the spread of the pandemic in Ontario, we are now experiencing a surge of COVID-19 cases in our hospitals. We are reminding you to stay safe and healthy during these trying times. Hospitals are anticipated to get hit harder in this second wave.

In the coming days, weeks, and months, it is important you exercise your right to the protection your union won for you through Directive #5. That means where your work requires the use of an N95 mask the hospital administrator must provide you with one. You deserve more protection as we fight through the end of the pandemic, not less. And as a healthcare-only union, we believe all members of the hospital team deserve economic security just as they deserve physical security. That is why we continue to demand Premier Ford’s government at Queen’s Park take every measure to keep you safe and to re-instate Pandemic Pay for all healthcare workers for as long as the pandemic lasts.

Security also means access to vaccines. That’s why we’re encouraging everyone to volunteer to receive the Pfizer-BioTech vaccine as it rolls-out to your hospital.

It bears repeating that while this vaccine brings us hope for a safer new year, it is critical that everyone maintain all infection prevention and control measures, including continuing to wear all essential personal protective equipment. We must be vigilant until the pandemic is over and not a second sooner. For more details about the vaccine, please visit:

SEIU Healthcare will not stop fighting to keep you safe and secure in this pandemic. That is our commitment to you as an essential member of the hospital team.

I want to take a moment to personally thank you for all you have done to keep your patients and the community safe and healthy during these very challenging times. It has been frightening, challenging and sometimes disappointing. As your president, and a hospital worker myself, I know that many of you faced very emotional experiences and had to make some difficult decisions. Please know that we are with you and on your side every step of the way. This moment will not be forgotten. As we enter bargaining next year, I give you my word, your heroism, sacrifices, dedication to your profession and the service you provide, will not be forgotten. We will make sure we remind employers and the Government of 2020 when the world depended on you, and you in return, you showed up. You deserve RESPECT, PROTECTION AND BETTER PAY!

I wish you a very safe, healthy, and peaceful holiday season and a better, brighter 2021.

In solidarity,

Sharleen Stewart
President, SEIU Healthcare