Good News Regarding TPS Forms

SEIU Healthcare would like to share our recent win regarding Treating Physician Statement (TPS) forms.

The Occupational Health and Safety Department had implemented a new medical form earlier this year, known as the TPS form for COVID-19. The TPS form seeks additional information for employees requesting a medical accommodation or absence during the COVID-19 pandemic. The form requested extensive information but not limited to worker age, details regarding types of medication and dosages, any objective evidence to support the recommendation including pulmonary function testing, medication doses, lab results, or consultation notes, etc.

SEIU Healthcare is committed to looking after the best interests and rights of our members and had strongly objected to the use of such form. Michael Garron Hospital disagreed and continued use of the TPS for employees who were seeking accommodation due to COVID or absences related to COVID.

A policy grievance was filed on this matter and approved for Section 49 with the arbitration date set on August 11, 2020. The grievance resulted in the employer withdrawing the use of the form for SEIU Healthcare members. Good news for our members! They will continue using the Attending Physician/Health Professional Statement (APS).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of your SEIU Healthcare union representatives.

Graeme Moore:
Patti Lang: