Stand With Us Against Racism – Join Our Rally This Tuesday

For a second straight week, we were disgusted to learn that another racist incident has occurred at a construction site at Michael Garron Hospital.

As a result, we will be hosting a rally at Michael Garron Hospital on Tuesday, October 6 to call on your employer and EllisDon to stop talking, and instead take immediate action to address these disgusting, hateful acts of racism and prevent future incidences from occurring. We encourage you to join us and stand with us in solidarity against racism. Strict social distancing will be practiced during the rally.

As a union that celebrates and fights for equality, respect, and justice for all, we will not tolerate hurtful and hateful actions, nor will we permit violence or harassment that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

Last week, we called on Michael Garron Hospital to take action and to ensure those responsible are brought to justice. While your employer has made public statements denouncing the racist acts, it is clear their actions have not been enough.


Please join us for this important rally and make your voice heard.

Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Time: 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Meeting Location: Corner of Knight Street and Mortimer Ave, look for the purple tent.

If you have any questions or need support, please contact one of your union representatives. We are proud to represent you and fight on your behalf.