Honouring Frontline Workers This Labour Day 2021
Labour Day is coming up and it will be a great opportunity to thank and honour frontline workers for all their dedication and hard work during the pandemic.
Vote Now For Your 2021 SEIU Healthcare Scholarship Winners!
Every year, SEIU Healthcare gives away four $1,800 scholarships to help you and your children with your academic journeys.
One Year Out Facebook Live Event
You’re invited to our One Year Out Facebook Live Event. We are sharing what actions and mobilizations are needed over the next 365 days to ensure that on Wednesday, June 2, 2022, Ontario elects a government that will be there and show up for frontline healthcare workers.
Despite heroic sacrifices, Ontario health-care workers face real wage cuts
Health-care workers are telling the Ford government that its wage restraint program profoundly devalues the contribution they’ve made, and that it must go now
Important Bargaining Updates: Withdrawal Management Unit
Your SEIU Bargaining Team met with the hospital virtually on February 9, 11, and March 15, 2021, to negotiate and renew the Withdrawal Management Unit Collective Agreement.
Hospital Council Townhall Video
SEIU Healthcare- Hospital Council Townhall Video
Happy Social Work Week!
Across Canada, every March, we celebrate Social Work Week to pay tribute to thousands of social workers and the vital work they do every day.
Tea & Health Session For SEIU Healthcare Members
Now more than ever, we are being asked to manage our health in a pandemic where the government is failing to provide us with adequate sick days, pandemic pay, improved health and safety measures, or additional support during this time.
Happy Chinese New Year!
In the 21st century, the national holiday starts on the first of the Lunar Calendar and ends on the 15 of the first month. This year, Chinese New Year begins on February 12 and ends February 26 with the Lantern Festival.
2021 Black History Month Invite
SEIU Healthcare invites you to our first-ever virtual Black History Month event. Join us as we enjoy live performances, hear from incredible guest speakers, jump into a brave conversation about racism and discrimination, and discuss new ways to unify and make much-needed changes regarding equity and inclusion.
Respect Us, Protect Us, Pay Us!
With the pandemic compounding stress levels at work, we MUST make our nursing voices heard in 2021 Hospital Bargaining. Raise your voice by completing the RPN Working Conditions Survey.
New Member Orientation
Check out a segment from our Digital New Member Orientation on Monday, January 25th to learn a little more about SEIU Healthcare.
MGH Holiday Food Truck Prize Winners
Thank you to all those who attended our Holiday Food Truck events at Michael Garron Hospital in December. We appreciate you taking the time to visit us and drop by for some delicious food. All attendees were entered into our SEIU Healthcare Holiday Raffle to win $75.00 President’s Choice gift cards. Congratulations to all our winners.
Important Update For Michael Garron Hospital Workers
Unfortunately, during the peak of the holiday season and a time when the pandemic is at its worst, NOWU – a small, non-healthcare union without the power, resources or experience to properly represent you – has triggered a union representation vote that could put your safety, security and stability as a hospital worker in jeopardy.
Hospital Workers Deserve Respect, Protection and Better Pay
As you may have heard, starting Saturday, December 26, 2020, the provincial government has announced stricter lockdown measures across Ontario. As a result of the provincial government’s inability to manage the spread of the pandemic in Ontario, we are now experiencing a surge of COVID-19 cases in our hospitals.
Pay Equity Legal Action Starting January 2021
SEIU Healthcare will be commencing next steps in our legal battle to win pay equity for workers at Michael Garron Hospital. Executives within hospital management have put off giving you what you’re owed for too long.